


Follow your inner desires bravely

Many people say that art and science are connected at a higher level. In an Oscar-best documentary, in a few words of Jewish American violin master Stern's visit to China, I found this bridge of communication art and science.

Being a musician is not a profession. It's not just a job, and it's not something occasional. It is the totality of your life, and your DEVOTION to something in which you BELIEVE PROFOUNDLY. And you have to BELIEVE in order to make other people BELIEVE.

Unless you feel that you will live with music, that music can say more than words, that music can mean more, that without music we are NOT ALIVE. You don't feel all that, don't be a musician.

In the first two, as long as the music is simply replaced by science and the musician is simply replaced by scientist, it is directly a good word for those who want to engage in scientific research.

When we are faced with the choice of further education, we may ask ourselves, can I meet the requirements mentioned in the first two sentences? In other words, are there two other words in my mind that can replace science and scientist? If science and scientist are replaced without meaning, then if you are still young and have a chance, then bravely follow your inner desires!

There is a saying that is always true: as long as you are doing a career and not just a job, no matter how small the income it may bring you, no matter how it is not a decent job in the eyes of the world. From the day you started your career, you have succeeded!




  在前两条中,只要简单地把music 换成science ,把musician 换成scientist ,那直接就是对希望从事科研事业的人所说的金玉良言。

  当我们面临升学的选择时,不妨扪心自问,我能达到前两句话中所提的要求吗?或者说,我心中有没有另外两个词可以取代science 和scientist ?如果science 和scientist 被取代得毫无意义,那如果你还年轻,还有机会,就勇敢地遵从自己内心的渴求吧!
